Campbell McCarthy

Concordia High School

My Motto: Put the seat cover down before pulling up your pants. The outhouse is no place to lose a wallet...

Best Boarding School Memory: Sneaking up to the roof for my friend's last day. We got caught, but there was no real punishment.

If I Wasn't in Class I Was... Complaining about my roommates.

My Room Looked Like... A dresser, bed, and desk on either side of the room. Whoever gets there first has dibs on which side they get. You can move everything around however you want it, so long as your roomie is okay with it.

Proudest Moment: When my roomie got kicked out.

Biggest Challenge: Being constantly surrounded by people. I needed more quiet time, especially after my dog died while I was staying there.

My Next Adventure: Finding ways to get back there so I can see my girlfriend!!

Only at Boarding School Can You... Nickname a bench.

Some Advice for my Fellow Boarders: The wild and fun people that aren't returning next year (Coincidentally, some of the wild people are also what I'm not going to miss at all).DO IT. If you are debating it, just do it. It's a great experience, even if you can get a little annoying sometimes.

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